The Grecole Engagment Party!
We are super very lucky to have Nicole officially in the family thanks to her and Greg getting married. They got married in Ontario in August, ( which I will one day get around to posting about - but suffice it to say that the wedding was beautiful ). To accommodate all those friends and family that would not be at the wedding, my parents put on an engagement party in Calgary in July ( When Erin and Mary were here). It was quite a production and all worth it. It is always lovely to celebrate the love of two great people and Greg and Nicole are two great great people.
Here are all the Hudson's and Shabada's on the steps of the Royal Oak Chapel where the Engagement Party was held. I love this picture because: 1. Greg and Nicole look like the Hot super couple they are, 2. The grandkids look adorable, and 3. I am hidden up in the back so I can imagine that I am as skinny as I feel.
Being at the Royal Oak Chapel gave us the chance to see how the Temple construction was coming along. We can not express how excited we are to have a temple in Calgary! Completion is about a year away! You can see up to date pictures of the construction here.
Erin bought Alice her dress to match Ella's. I found the dresses for the other girls at Walmart. Karen and I did hair for two solid hours before the party. The girls were so excited about the whole thing. The loved decorating the gym, making matching hair bows and getting all dressed up. Jacqueline especially loved that Karen put blush on all the girls right before the party. She felt super fancy and grown up. The girls manned the guest book and handed out chocolates. They loved being a part of it all. Looks how adorable they are.
The boys looked adorable too but were somewhat harder to photograph - but they were a whole lot easier to get ready so it all works out. Sam and Karen were the MC's for the program ( and they were wonderful!) Their son Chase was not impressed however with having both his parents on stage. At the beginning of the program I lost Andrew and found out later that he spent the whole night outside with Chase. Some nephew uncle bonding time. I think Andrew preferred that to being inside but I think he missed out on a really great program. Check out my sisters blog here to see the number I liked the best
The kids loved staying out so late! After the party Andrew took the girls home and I stayed to help clean up. Good times.

1 comment:
Yay! We made the cut! Hooray. You're far too kind - it's good for mine and Greg's egos to think we're a hot couple. Everyone did look great that evening for sure! (aside from my eyes being closed in the picture). I will never forget how cute the nieces and nephews (especially nieces) looked!!!
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