Eve: (with a happy face) When I grow up I'll be a mom! (face turns sad) But I'll have to live away from you and have babies in my tummy.
I'm glad she isn't moving away any time soon. She is my sweet little best friend, always wanting to read books or dance together or snuggle and watch a show.
Last Friday the girls and I celebrated the first snow fall of the year my all snuggling together on my bed and watching the Muppet's Christmas Carol (my favourite holiday movie).
Jackie: " This is the movie night I have been praying for since Halloween" (jackie was excited because Andrew let the girls eat the popcorn twists and drink pop they got while trick or treating).
We were all having a great time until the end of the movie, when Eve said she had a tummy ache. Just as Ebeneezer was sending the boy off to buy the prize turkey, Eve threw up all over me and Andrew's side of the bed! Yuck!!
That started "The night of vomit" for Eve, who puked about 12 times. I stayed with her till 11:00, then Andrew took over until 3:00, then I stayed up with her until Alice woke up at 7:00. Needless to say, the weekend didn't go as we had planned, but we made it through and Alice still made her basketball game ( they won 40 to 0 - but turned off the scoreboard for the last quarter) and Jackie made it to her cooking birthday party and she and I went to most of the RS Creative Saturday - just no date for Andrew and I, no working out for me and a lot of extra laundry.
But really Eve was a trooper. She didn't complain at all. She would just say ," my tummy hurts" right before she would throw up, and she was good a aiming in the bucket. She watched hours and hours of backyardagains and laid on the couch all night.
The next morning at breakfast, I told the older girls how good Eve was.
Me: Eve threw up so many times, but she was so good, she never cried or complained.
Alice: Really, she didn't complain at all?
Me: Not at all, she was so brave.
Alice: Maybe she should be sick all the time then.
Me: Alice! that's not nice.
Alice: I'm just saying, that girl complains A LOT - so if being sick helps her not complain...
I could see her point, but the not complaining might have had something to so with the fact that she had a 24 hour dedicated attendant to get her things AND she got to watch her best friends, the Backyardigans all night.
I have to say, the Backyardigans has to be the best preschool show of all time. She has good taste at least. Sunday night, Andrew got sick. He also threw up a lot and tried not to complain. He stayed home from work yesterday. He didn't however, watch as much Backyardagains.
I must agree Backyardigans are the best. What a trooper Eve is.
Oh Alice, she's a funny one. That's true, it may be a good idea. I got sick lastnight and ALL I wanted was to throw up. It was the worst because it wouldn't come out from either end - just brewing in there. I'm glad Eve was such a trooper! I don't think I was every like that as a kid - I can't imagine not crying and whining and complaining.
Also, congrats to Alice on her basketball game, but I do feel a little sorry for the other team. Ouch!
Say hi to the fam!!
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