Alice continues to be obsessed with basketball. It is her happy place. She was devastated last week because she did really poorly on a spelling test. Her teacher wrote on her sheet that it was not acceptable. Alice cried and cried and cried, and didn’t really recover until we were home and she was able to shoot some hoops. I am happy she has that “happy place” but I also suggested perhaps studying a little more? She did better this week so I guess I shouldn’t worry. Unfortunately in regards to spelling and attention to details in her school work she takes after me. I have told her if she figures out how to not make those kind of mistakes then she should let me know.
Jackie is doing well. She loves piano and creating things with recyclables so sometimes her bedroom looks like she’s a hoarder. I have heard her say that she hates garbage day because there is no recycling in the house and therefore nothing to do. She had so much fun at Elise birthday party this weekend, but agonized over what she was going to wear. She was crying for half an hour before we left the house. It was crazy, but once she finally decided what dress to wear ( she was supposed to dress like a movie star) and got over the fact that no matter what we did, her hair was still going to be short – I convinced her to wear it up) she was pleased with her look and super happy. And Andrew and I managed it all without losing it ourselves so that was a plus. She has since talked and talked about how fun the party was and how funny uncle Sam was, she especially liked the game where they all pretended to speak German.
Eve is getting bigger every day, but we have noticed that she enjoys more and more being the “baby” and getting helped with her clothes, the bathroom eating etc. She also enjoys playing baby with Jackie or Alice where one of them is the mom and the other the grandma. Andrew and I are concerned about her “baby” obsession and try to make her do things on her own, and when we do that she either cries or convinces Alice or Jackie to help her out. I think she would be better if there was another baby around, so Erin is you get tired of Charlie, send him over here!. Last week I suggested to the girls when they were all playing house together that instead of having Eve be the baby that she could be the mom in the game. Eve just started whining that she was too small to be the mom and needed a smaller kid to be the baby. The girls went from happily playing to arguing so next time I will either keep my mouth shut or suggest that Eve play the kitty in the game. A responsible Kitty that cleans up after herself. In other news, Eve has developed a love of eating her boogers. We have to fight to get her to eat supper, unless of course it is pizza, but green boogers from her nose are apparently delicious.
Andrew is starting basketball this week .....we will miss him.
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