Friday, January 28, 2011


Now that it is February I can start blogging about January. Seriously, I am always behind, so I will just embrace it.

January is the birthday month for 2 of my favourite people. I love these people so I try to make a big deal for their birthday's even though they come WAY TO CLOSE TO CHRISTMAS. That's not their fault after all.

This year on January 12, my sexy best friend and eternal companion turned 35. I get until March 15th to tease him about being SOOOO old. Then on March 15th I will decide (as I do every year) that his age is actually young and hip (yes, I turn 35 in March - crazy).

Here were are partying like it's 1999, back when we were engaged (11 years ago). Isn't he cute?

Here are some things I love about him:

  • He can always be counted on to do what he thinks is right- he really can - I love that.
  • He is a hard worker - he never puts anything off - he gets it done - I really need to get me some of that.
  • He is super handy (and looks awesome in a tool belt). We have an awesome basement and drive super old cars because of him (for his birthday he got jack stands that he used to change the muffler)
  • He is super fun to hang out with and tells such funny jokes that I laugh even when he is kicking my butt at whatever game we are playing. ( all hail the Lord of Katan)
  • He gives really good back rubs - a skills he has learned over time - one of the most important things to know when you are married to me, really.
  • He supports me in all I try to do.
  • He loves me and always wants to spend time with me.
  • He is a super dad. this year he has made a point of spending one on one time with each of his daughters when he comes home - for Eve, that means horsie rides and dancing. This is them on Christmas Eve. Andrew is dressed as a sheep and Eve is his shepherd. (Our Christmas Eve Nativity might not be as reverent as yours...)

Happy birthday Honey - I love you. You make my life great everyday. I am learning more and more everyday how lucky I am to be married to you. Thank you for sharing your life with me.

Next on January 23rd, it is Jenny birthday. I will say it here - I am sooooo lucky to have a friend like Jenny. She is great. She moved into our ward a few months before we did. There were not a lot of young people in the ward back then, and so she prayed that the Lord would send her friends. I am so lucky the Lord picked me to be here friend, because I am sure that her faith was one of the reasons we felt so good about buying our townhouse. Thanks for praying us here Jenny!

Here are things that are so great about Jenny:

  • She is super fun and up for anything! Book club, early morning work outs, outings with the kids - she even gets on board with super fun ideas like a 2 week cleanse.
  • She is always willing to have people over to her house and throws some great parties.
  • She is the best person to work out with -even the most horrendous workouts are fun when she is around.
  • She is always willing to help out - she is the kind of friend you can call when you are in Edmonton at a meeting and get a call from your kids school that your daughter hurt her head and is crying - and she will totally work out a way to pick up your crying daughter. ( True story)
  • She is someone so kind that your crying daughter will calm down right away when you tell her on the phone that Jenny is coming to get her.
  • She is a great mom and is raising some delightful children that are best friends to my kids, and perhaps a future son in law.
  • She has great faith and a strong testimony and is a good influence on me, especially when i feel complainy (that happens about once a month I think for me.....ya know)
  • She is the kind of friend that you can go out for dinner with and talk for HOURS. And come home to a husband who asks what you have been doing? How does dinner last 5 hours? (how does it not?)
  • She is trendy and cool, and really so pretty and always notices things about people. If you just got a new hair cut and no one has said anything about it, go find Jenny. She will notice.

This year for Jenny's birthday we went out for breakfast. ON A SCHOOL DAY!!!! I can't tell you what a delight that was. I felt like I was skipping school. I love you Jenny - thanks for being so great.


Jenny said...

Gillian, thank you so much for this post. You are such an amazing friend and I feel so blessed to have you in my life. You are such a fun person to be around and I always enjoy being with you! You have such a great way of making me feel happy. Thanks again for breakfast - so much fun!

Megan said...

What a great birthday post! I'm so glad you have two such wonderful people in your life, I loved the lists of their fabulous qualities! Especially the part about needing someone to notice your new hair cut.....I sometimes specifically thought about how Jenny would like something I was wearing, especially if I was feeling in need of a compliment that day! And now when I see something I admire, I try and compliment them right away, because that's what Jenny would do!