Monday, December 13, 2010


So last year one of my new years resolutions was to get my professional designation as a Human Resource Consultant. I had been putting it off for years and decided that I would look and feel more qualified at work if I had more letters after my name. It was 10 years since I graduated with my BA, so it was time to see if my brain could still study for and pass tests.

I wrote my Knowledge Exam in May, then waited for 2 months to hear if I passed. If I failed, rewriting it would cost another $250 dollars. I wanted to pass, and thought I'd done well, but was worried. I was relieved when I did. Then I had a month to decide whether I would do the second test in October. It was more expensive - $500 this time, plus $160 for the study guide. It seemed like a lot of money (especially if I failed). I am grateful for Andrew's support. He doesn't like to spend money but he recognized the investment and encouraged me. So in October I took the test. I realize I am quite a geek, because studying for the test and taking it was fun for me. It was even fun talking with the other HR people before the test. I felt camaraderie that quite frankly I rarely feel when I am working on job descriptions alone in my basement. I really liked University and would love to go back.

Then began 2 months of waiting to see if I had wasted our money or not. Last week I found out I passed. I was so relieved and happy. Then a very typical thing happened. I felt two things:

1. Why didn't I do this years ago, and

2. This isn't such a big deal after all.

It reminded me of my brother Greg when he got into the journalism program at Ryerson. Talk to him before he applied and he would tell you how hard it was to get into, how he didn't think he would be accepted, how prestigious it was. Talk to him after he was accepted, and he would tell you that it couldn't be that hard to get in, if they took him, they probably take everyone. Now, getting my CHRP designation is not nearly as cool as getting accepted to Ryerson, but it is funny how we deal with success. I think it is easier for me to be proud of other people than for myself. I felt super proud of Andrew when he graduated from University and got his first job so quickly. I didn't feel that way about me when I graduated though, or when I got my first job. I just felt lucky - and worried my employer would change their mind.

Anyway, after a short period of relief and excitement, I felt a little let down, and even a little worried that I wouldn't make back the money invested quickly enough. However, today I sent in a proposal my Mom and I put together for a project with my former employer, (as usual, my Mom did the lion share of the work). I have to say, I did feel glad when I saw my name with those four extra letters after it. I looked more qualified. Let's cross our fingers they think so too.


Jenny said...

That is so great Gillian. Congratulations!! That is such awesome accomplishment!!

Megan said...

Wow! Congratulations, I'm sorry I didn't read this a while ago, I'm just catching up after all the Christmas craziness. :) I think that's so fun about how you loved studying for and taking the test! I kind of miss that kind of stuff too, I think I'd like to take a test one of these days......maybe I'll sign up for my Canadian citizenship test soon! :) I hope you had a great holiday......Happy New Year!