Thursday, November 4, 2010


Alice excitedly came out of the bathroom one morning and said,

" I FINALLY know what I will be when I grow up. I was sitting on the toilet, going poo, and thinking that I really am interested in how the human body works, but I DON'T want to be doctor - too much blood. GROSS.

Then I thought I would be a scientist, but then I thoughtthere might be explosions and I don't want that. Too dangerous.

SO - I am going to a physics teacher. "

She looked so relieved. I believe this life decision has been weighing on her. She used to want to be an artist but then realized that she would only get paid when she sold a painting, and that didn't sound very practical. We have since taught her that physics doesn't have much to do with the human body, so she wants to be a bio teacher. Andrew suggested bio chemistry because that is what he did. There is a lot of her dad in her, so I wouldn't rule it out.

Also - just to keep you updated :

Jackie informed me this morning that when she is older she is going to cut her hair short and dye it black. Mary - does that sound good?

Alice is going to dye her hair blond - Erin?

Eve is going to wear lots of makeup all the time. Which is exactly what she does already. Thanks Audrey.

1 comment:

Megan said...

Awesome! I'm excited to see how accurate their predictions are. I think all 8 year old are fascinated with the body! They're trying to figure out how it all works, E just did a whole school project about skin, bones, and teeth.