Monday, June 7, 2010

Focus for June

Check out this blog by my friends sister. She picks a different profession each month and then focuses on that. I love the idea, and she is funny and smart so her blog is always great reading. I have thought about trying this, though I know I lack the organization and self discipline to pick my professions in January and do them for a month. Instead, I like to pick a focus or a goal. For February and March I picked interior decorating - which was expensive, but my kids rooms look better and the new couches continue to give me joy. For April I was a student, studying for my CHRP exam. May -well for May I was a Human Resource Consultant and a Mom - too busy with work, soccer, Alice's birthday and baptism to do anything extra (extra = laundry ). June is looking better and so I have a picked a profession I care about it. Personal Trainer and Nutritionist. Yes, I am a walking cliche - I would like to lose weight before the summer. Also - Eve turns 3 on June 25th. My baby is three so I think it is high time I loose the "baby weight".

I started by attempting a 2 week cleanse - that ended up being a 12 day cleanse - but close enough. For 12 days I didn't have any junk food, sugar, gluten, dairy, artificial sweeteners, corn or red meat. That was the idea anyway. I did pretty well - I didn't cheat on the sugar at all, but I can count my other little cheats on one hand. I felt pretty good and I think the increase in protein, fruits and vegetables is something I will definitely continue. It didn't solve all my problems however. I was hoping the no sugar would help me sleep better - but sadly that wasn't the case. I did lose some weight, especially in the first week, the second week I relied a little to heavily on nuts and avocados so the weight lose wasn't great. The good news is that when I ate the foods I had been avoiding yesterday I felt just fine. So no really sensitivities - if you don't count high blood sugar (but I knew that already!).

So for the rest of June I will try to have protein at every meal, I will emphasize fruits and vegetable's, limit bread and only have sugar on the weekends. For exercise I am doing weights twice a week and will go for a run a least twice a week. Last week went well from an exercise perspective, but this week is busy for me and Andrew, so it will be hard to fit it. I may actually have to go to the gym at 6 in the morning. Doesn't sound that hard- but is is. It it will be worth it, right?


Megan said...

Woohoo! You did the cleanse! :) I'm in the thick of it, and I'm actually trying to go the whole month of June. (We'll see how that goes!) I'm hoping to get rid of my constant upset tummy. I love all of your monthly "themes." I'm not organized enough to plan that either, but it's kind of how life goes sometimes. I kind of focus on one area at a time for a month or so. So I'll be a Nutrition and Fitness professional with you this month too! I miss you!

Jenny said...

That is awesome Gillian! What a fun idea. I like the interior decorating one!! And of course being healthy. I felt so good doing that cleanse. I'm going to try to continue doing that plan for eating. Let me know if you ever want a partner to run with in the morning.

Natalie said...

Good for you sticking to the cleanse and committing to the exercise regime. It seems I quite love the exercising when I drag my sorry bones out of bed to do it, but if it doesn't happen in the morning, it doesn't happen. Sigh. You've re-inspired me, maybe I'll get back on the wagon tomorrow. Thanks!