Monday, April 26, 2010

Who said it....

It is time for a game of who said it:

1. " It is so sad that Eve is growing up so fast. I remember when she was just a little baby in a crib, and now she is in a bunk bed, and talking and soon she'll be starting preschool. It all just goes so fast.

a) me
c) Alice
b) Jackie

2. " See, I don't need you". ( hint - this is this person's favourite phrase so far this week
d) Alice

3. "I'm scared of my light"
a) Andrew
b) Eve
c) Jackie
e) Alice

4. "I just really love winning"
d) Jackie
e) Eve

Let me know your answers and what imaginary prize you would like if you are a winner. Yes, the winner will get an imaginary prize!


mere said...

1. Alice
2. Eve
3. Jackie
4. You

Esther Alene said...

1. Andrew (or You or Alice)
2. Alice
3 Jackie
4 You
Honestly these were hard. They could each totally be a couple of people.