Friday, October 24, 2008

A real toddler

Still missing our camera. These pictures are from my phone. It is hard to get a good picture of Eve with the phone because no matter what she is doing, when she sees the phone - she wants it.
We worked hard to get this picture because I just really wanted to capture the cute curls her hair does after a bath. It is quite a cute little do.
She has grown up so much in the last few weeks. I think she is a real toddler now, because she:
  1. She toddles and shuffle around, and loves to take on and off her shoes. She kind of marches when she is wearing her boots, and will take her shoes and got to the door.
  2. She wants to be like her big sisters. At Ikea last week, she refused to sit in a high chair. She has become obsessed with crayons and crafts, and will sit and try hard to colour when her sisters are colouring.
  3. She has developed some wicked dance moves. She loves to dance with her sisters, though she turns into "jealous baby" if Andrew and I come to dance with Alice or Jackie.
  4. She says "no". Ok - she is not a talker, but she emphatically shakes her head
  5. She asserts her own opinions. Last night she refused to wear her Fairy princess Halloween costume. We were all shocked. Alice and Jackie both LOVED dressing up as a fairy princess when they were toddlers but Eve flat out refused. How silly of me to think I could pick her outfits for her. After I struggled to get her into the dress ( which she wore without problem at Jackie's birthday) she cried and tugged at it until I relented and took it off. Sp we went as a cat (me) Bat girl (Alice), Ariel ( Jackie) and a toddler.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's hard to believe that they have such an opinion when they are still so little!! Chelsa is doing the same thing. I love this stage. Eve's hair does look very cute!! - Jenny