Thursday, October 30, 2008

Obama fever!

I am a Canadian living in Canada and yet I willingly watched Obama's 30 minute TV infomercial. It was amazing. It moved me to tears a couple of times and made me want to volunteer for his campaign. I don't want to be an American, but I do wish I could vote for Obama.

I will be watching the election coverage next week. I watched the Canadian election coverage until the end of the night - but oddly, I think I might be more excited about the US election. Ok , maybe it is not so odd, seeing as voter turnout for our election was at a record low. If only my favourite Canadian news people would report on it - I like elections with Peter Manbridge, Wendy Mesley, Rex Murphy and Rick Mercer.


Gregory said...

i'm sure the canadians will something for it. Although if I you watch The Daily Show you get Canadians speaking about the election all the time.

Megan said...

Hi! I found your blog! :) So today's the big election day! Are you anxiously following your favorite? Should be fun to watch!