Monday, August 11, 2008

Quick catch up

I've been so busy trying to balance summer fun with the kids with too much work from home and the preparations for girls camp next week and an enrichment this Thursday that I haven't posted for more than a week. Since things are not expected to slow down until after camp - I figure I better forget the fancy stuff, and give a quick update. In the last week we have

1. Had our first big family party at our new house, and we were proud at how well the house and the dining room performed. We were able to nine adults around the table, three kids on a kids table and two babies all in the dining room. Thanks to Mom for allowing us to have her birthday at our house and thanks to everyone for coming. Thanks especiallyto Karen, Elise and Audrey for coming direct from the airport - the girls would not have had near as much fun without you. An extra special thank you to Rachel for coming and bringing her new addition Scarlett.Meeting Scarlett and playing dress up with Rachel were the highlights of the evening for Alice and Jackie. The rest of us enjoyed the dress up too. Scarlett maybe didn't enjoy the night as much as the rest of us, since she had to deal with girls that either were scared of her ( Jackie is a wimp - and cries at ants and small dogs) or LOVED her ( Audrey's love was a little scary for the dog I think).

2. I finally got up the courage to go take my whole family to the Dentist. It has been two years. I hate hate hate hate the dentist. Somethings I procrastinate, like writing a difficult paper, and when I sit down to it, I realize that it is not so bad. The dentist was not like that. It was WORSE than I remembered it. The scraping in the cleaning hurt so bad - but when the Hygenist asked if I was ok I always said I was fine. I wasn't going to give her the satisfaction of knowing that I would rather be giving birth than sitting in her chair ( and I have given birth as many times as I have been to the dentist in the last 8 years). The silver lining: NO CAVITIES FOR ANYONE! We would have felt triumphant if we weren't so relieved. I was glad I didn't pass out, what with hearing the guy next to me and his disgusting abscessed tooth infection. EEK.

3.I have had to admit that I am cheesier than I thought. By direct orders of the girls in my Sunday School class, I read books two and three of the Twilight series this past week, and enjoyed them way more than I thought, and way more than the first one. Unfortunately, I think I have had my fill for awhile, and will not be able to fulfill the girls request and read the fourth one before camp next week - too much to do and really I can only handle soo much cheese ( that's what I'm telling myself anyway). I'd be happy to discuss New Moon and Eclipse and the Jacop vs Edward choice with anyone. Any takers?

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