We went snorkelling in Towoon Bay which has is a triangular shaped beach where one beach hs waves to body surf on and the other beach has a coral reef with lots of fish to look at.
These are the rocks at Toowoon Bay. We saw some crabs. Alice spent so much time looking out like this.
This is above Norah Head with the lighthouse in the background, Andrew is taking the picture.
This is the view from the Norah Head lighthouse. Jackie Eve and I took the tour to the top. It was windy!
Inside the Norah Head Lighthouse. Our tour guide Grahem to the picture.
This is on the rocks at Norah Head's lighthouse. The waves crash and make a spray twice Alice's height. The girls wanted to go closer to the edge but their mother and grandmother wouldn't let them.
Eve had a habit of feeding the seagulls at the beach which meant within seconds our beach site was swamped with seagulls squacking "MINE...MINE...MINE"
The girls (and parents) are getting good at boogie boarding, our favorite thing to do is catch the same wave and see who can go the farthest to shore, crashing into eachother was encouraged!
Eve has logged a lot of hours playing in the sand.
Norah Head Lighthouse. Jackie Eve and I had a tour that went up to the top.
Bateau Bay on a windy sunday afternoon. This is about a 20 minute walk from our house.
The girls are all getting along great. We are so blessed to have such kind and caring girls and we are really enjoying spending so much time together. This picture was taken at Bateau Bay.
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