Driving home from her first day of school?
Eve: Where is Jackie.
Me: She is still at school. Her school is all day and yours is only in the morning.
Eve: Why is my school so short and Jackie's is long?
Me: Maybe because people think that 5 year olds would get tired being at school all day.
Eve: I am totally not tired ( emphasis on the totally)Me: No - you could play with kids all day at school and not get tired.Eve: "Mom - I could play at school all day and all night and not be tired.
First day of school shirt from H& M, Backpack and boots from Walmart, Yoga Pants from Superstore.
I may be only 5, but I can pose with the best of then. |
Jean jacket from Gap, Jeans from Walmart. Plaid shirt is from H&M (from last year). When she tried on the jacket she wanted to buy it right away because it " looked like it was from Paris" though is seems to take on a distinctly western vibe on Eve - just can't take the stampede our of this girl.
These two girls get to ride the bus together in the morning. |
This next outfit: Shirt from Sears, leggings from H&M, Hoodie from Value Village via Jackie.
The big girls were excited about this t-shirt that we bought way back in June because it says, "Bonjour" on it and has a bunny wearing a beret. The mascot of their school is a bunny named Sam - so this shirt is perfect. |
She really liked wearing her hoodie this way. |
So that is my kindergartner. She likes posing as much as Jackie I think. I am pretty sure that her extraverted tendencies will ensure that she will love every minute of school this year. We love you Eve and are so excited that you are growing up.
1 comment:
I can't believe these girls! I thought I loved to pose, but I have NOTHING on these girls! Seriously, this is amazing. And i'm very impressed with your angles! I love their outfits and they each suit them so well!!!! I miss these little ladies!
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