School is out and girls camp is over - it is time to catch up on the blog. Spring 2012 catch up will begin with Alice's birthday party. It happened so long ago - can I even remember it? I certainly could have done a better job taking pictures - next year I will remember to delegate that out - probably to one of her friends - they could do a better job than me. 10 year old girls are the best.

This birthday had to be the easiest birthday I have ever done - mostly because I didn't do very much of it. I told Alice that I would happily plan and throw birthdays for her untill she was 11 - and after that -they will be up to her. If this birthday is a gauge, she will be able to take over the reins next year. The theme was a slumber party - so kids came in their PJ ( and I realized the day of the party that Alice needed new summer PJs -she was wearing a tshirt and shorts that were 2 years old and quite small). Alice and her friend Emma decided on the theme, set the date and made the invitations. Andrew picked up the little ceasars pizzas and Alice helped get the snack all ready. She wanted to decorate cupcakes at the party, so I didn't even have to make a cake.
We played games - it was a PRIVILEGE to introduce them to Mafia - and then they went downstairs to watch a movie. I made popcorn, cleaned up and then got to sit and read a book for an hour - Amazing. |
As usual, I was happy to see how fun Alice's friends are. She is super lucky to have never had any " friend drama"that so many girls seem to experience. Her school friends played so nice with her church friends and neighbourhood friend and all the girls we so nice and kind to Eve and Jackie. I wouldn't mind if they stayed 10 forever. |
So now Alice has been 10 for a few months. It looks good on her. She is starting to babysit her sisters here and there and doing a great job. We can't say enough great things about her. We are lucky to have her in our family. We love her so much! Next year - she'll have her birthday in FRANCE!!!
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