As you might have guessed, we both were REALLY excited about it. And why shouldn't we be? I have often felt that being the youngest must be hard. No matter how old you get, you are still the youngest. Eve may be hazy on some of the details, but she KNOWS that in turning 5 and starting school she is officially in the club that her big sisters are in - and for Miss" don't call me baby" that is super exciting. And it's everyday - so that is 2 days better than preschool. And how do I feel about my baby starting school? SO EXCITED - she will LOVE it!! She is my most adventurous child and I can't wait to watch her adventures. And I'll have every morning free. WIN WIN!
Eve is maybe a little too excited about her 5 birthday, which is still a little over 5 months away. If you ask her how old she is she will tell you that she is "almost five". It was so warm over Christmas, she kept saying, " It is warm, so it is spring and almost my birthday - and then I can go to school." Don't worry, we talk a lot about all the things that will happen before then. We talk about it so often that she can list them... Mom's birthday, Alice's birthday, Soccer, Then her birthday, then summer and the beach then School. She has already picked her birthday party theme " Who dunnit" ( though that may change - since her obsession with the Who Dunnit Backyardigans episode as recently been replaced with an undying love of Ruby Gloom (thanks to Netflicks)
Anyway - we are enjoying Eve. Five will be great but four and half is pretty awesome too. Four and a half is an age when sometimes she just seems so grown up to me and other times her little body still looks so small - too small for the unstoppable spirit that is in her. Here is a bit about her now:
1. Favourite person in the Family: Jackie. hands down. She loves wearing Jackie's old clothes and loves it when we tell her she looks like a little Jackie.
2. Favourite person in the world: her friend Chelsa. Can't wait to see what those two will get into as they get older.
2. Favourite game: Playing Barbies with Jackie. She asked Jackie so nicely today, "Do you want to play Barbies with me?" And Jackie is basically a barbie playing SAINT. She will go to heaven for being SUCH a patient sister.
3. New Skill: Skating and something I thought she would never learn: PLAYING IMAGINATION GAMES BY HERSELF!!!! Jackie has finally rubbed off on her.
4. New Interest: Chapter books. Once during Christmas my dad came up from the basement and said, "Eve's reading "Dress for Success" and I wasn't surprised at all. She has the bookshelf in her room and all the kids chapter books are stored there and she is always taking them ALL off the shelf to "read" them. Tonight she choose one for her bed time story and sat through three chapters. I think it is all about being grown up.
5. Favourite food: Toss up between Vanilla yogourt or Honey Nut Cheerios. Or maybe Nutella toast - no it couldn't be that, who would buy such an unhealthy item? Not me.
6.Worst part of her life: Chronic constipation. We are still battling this very rasmussen of problems. She is getting better at drinking her water and "special juice" but still basically births a baby each time she goes. Which is what I thought of she said the other day, " When I grow up I will be a mom, but I am scared to push a baby out". I read too much into her fears though. Yesterday she said, " Mom, when you had me did your stomach burst open?" The, "No, you came out my vagina, remember" answer calmed her fears, then confused her.
7. Things that always surprise me: How good she is at sports. Not that it should surprise me. It just that I learn things so differently than she does. She just knows how to move her body. So whether it's soccer, or dribbling a basketball or learning to skate - it just comes easy for her. Her Daddy's girl.
8.Favourite Christmas present this year: Playdough ice cream maker. ( not Andrew's favourite thing to clean up.
Anyway - we all love Eve!!! I am super lucky to be her mom. She is so much fun. And she gets to go to Kindergaten next year!! Woo woo!!
Great post!!! Jackie is the best sister for playing with her, and I can't wait for Eve's big girl adventures!!
Yay! Dotty got your present yesterday and is wearing the dress today and is loving the pictures on your blog!!
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