Eve's only complaint about preschool is that it is not long enough and it is not every day. I have a feeling that she will LOVE kindergarten next year.
Alice was excited to have her best friend in her class again and she got the grade 4 teacher she was hoping for, so she was really happy the first day. Her teacher has been amazing, and Alice has continued to love school and is getting more and more excited about French. She is thinking she might continue with it next year ( when she goes to middle school). We will see.
Jackie is in a megaclass with 2 teachers and 36 kids. She was disappointed at first, but then realized that she would get to have more of her friends in the class. So things are going well. She still misses her teacher from last year though. Mme Andrea was awesome. Her readingin English and French is coming along like magic, and by the end of September, she was finally used to getting up a 7:00. ( it took some time). Now she is happy most mornings, and we are in a nice routine.
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