Wednesday, May 25, 2011

One more months of magic

So there is one more month of school and one more month till Eve turns 4. Can't wait for those things. This month should fly by - it always does, but as it ends so will our magical schedule and morning routine.

My kids go to a school with a French immersion program that requires them to take a bus. A great big yellow school bus that was VERY exciting for each of them when they first started. They still like it just fine. What is great is that we are the last stop before the bus takes them to school. THeir school starts at 8:43, so they don't have to be at the bus stop until 8:24. This allows us ALL to sleep in until 7:35 ( sometimes 7:45). What is even more lovely ( for me) is that the kids are leaving for the bus stop the same time Andrew is leaving for work ( Highschool starts around 9), so on most days, Andrew takes them to the bus stop.

In the afternoon, my kids are the last off the bus ( not the greatest for them ) which means they get off the bus at 4:07. The is exactly when Andrew gets home (except during basketball season when he is coaching and so busy that we miss him, then slowly forget what it is like to have him around till we are all blissfully reunited in March.) This schedule has been lovely! It has meant that if Eve is sleeping, we don't need to wake her up. It has provided the girls with some quality Daddy /Daughter time everyday and meant that the girls do not miss the bus - and now they are well trained, even when dad is not around. It has also meant on the days that I am working ( even out of town) that Andrew can totally handle on the drop off and pick ups of a single parent no problem.

Sadly - next year, because of budget issues, busing will be shared with a middle school. That means our school will start at 8:09 instead of 8:43, and will end at 2:39, instead of 3:13, throwing out beautiful routine into chaos. We are sad, but not contemplating changing schools are some are (it is only 34 minutes earlier for heaven sake) With my luck, Andrew will decide to go to work earlier, so it will just mean we all start are day earlier. The kids will like being done earlier I think.

Anyway, we will be grateful for our late morning start for the rest of the year.

1 comment:

Jenny said...

Bright and early next year. You are better than me - half and hour would be a big difference for me.