Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve is my favourite. Here are some pretty cute kids in their Christmas jammies (my brother Greg is sooo cute). Here they are putting the cookies and milk out for Santa and some celery and carrots for the reindeer.
Greg asked me a few days before Christmas where Alice was regarding her belief in Santa Clause. We'd had a couple of talks about it and as far as I knew she was totally a non-believer. A Santa Atheist if you will. I had to talk to her so she wouldn't ruin it for her sisters. A few days before Christmas I had another talk with her about the kind of tests her NY cousins were conducting regarding their Santa faith: were their parents going to look tired in the morning, what colour was the wrapping paper etc). She thought those were good tests, and then said she wasn't sure about the no Santa thing... she a lightened a bit - a Santa agnostic.
Christmas Eve she had the equivalent of a deathbed conversion - and was all for Santa. Really there is no pay off for not believing in Santa. I love Santa.


Jenny said...

Christmas Eve is so magical. Love the new Pjs very cute. Cute picture of the cousins and your brother. Glad to hear that Alice still believes in Santa!

Megan said...

Awwwwww, I love the deathbed conversion! Emberly is 100% sure he's the real thing, I love it! And last night she left a fairy house with treats out for the fairies, and they didn't come, and she actually cried because she KNOWS there are real fairies, why won't they come to her house!! Your kids look adorable in their Christmas jammies!