Thursday, January 15, 2009

Year in Review

OK - SO I have read so many cool new years letter and blog posts that I thought I should really do one. But what's that you say? " It is January 15th - well past new years! It is too late. We refuse to read it." Let me remind you that this blog posting comes on the heels of the Russian Orthodox New Year ( January 14) and well before Chinese New Year ( January 26th) so I think it is well within international time lines...

So here the "Sweet Summary of 2008"

Accomplishments: Coached a winning JV Girls Basketball team. Was called as Elders Quorum President, Survived repainting and selling the condo, Survived buying a house and moving, Convinced wife we needed to buy a new computer "for her business". Made serious investment in sleep ( king size bed), Helped alumni basketball team to win Alumni tournament.
Number of Tournaments won: 3 out of four
Lesson Learned: Girls cry when they lose at City Championships, it is better to fix a car in your own garage.
New skill: Staying awake through meetings ( did I mention he was elder's quorum president?)
Future Plans: Continue to be sole user of new computer, Find more time to sleep in new bed, Lord Alumni victory over younger brother Nathan, Christmas 2009 in Australia.

Accomplishments: Made enough through self employment to have to pay taxes, convinced husband to repaint and sell condo and buy her a house, survived girls camp( picture is view from top of hike), started a book club, joined a gym, entered the 21st century by acquiring a cell phone and an ipod, started a blog.
Number of job descriptions written: more than 40
Number of times I had to stay up most of the night to meet a deadline: none of your business
New skill: Mastered the "this-is-a-work-phone-call-so-you-better-be-quiet-now-or-you'll-be-sorry" look she remembered her mother using on her as a child.
Future Plans: Get her CHRP designation. Teach children to sleep through the night. Christmas 2009 in Australia.

Alice: Age 6
Accomplishments: Graduated from Kindergarten, Started Grade 1, Was on a Soccer Team, Survived a weekend trip to Utah, Got a bunk bed and sleeps on the top bunk, Went fast enough on the stunt flyer to scare her mother, went high and fast enough on the tobaggan hill to scare her mother, Gave a talk in Primary, Did her part for the primary presentation. Managed to eat apples despite missing most of her teeth.
Review of grade 1: Too long and way to much sitting!
Number of Teeth lost: 7
Number of teeth swallowed: 2
Favourite pass time: Painting, and all arts and crafts
Future Plans: Memorize all lines from favourite movie Kung-fu Panda. Skip as much school as possible.

Jackie: Age 4
Accomplishments: Started two 4 year old preschools, finished sun beams, took her first swimming lessons, planted so many seeds in the garden ( some of which even grew), Survived falling off the stunt flyer, went on her first big ride at Callaway Park, Wore 5 different costumes to five different Halloween events, found some her Christmas presents before Christmas while sneaking hidden Halloween candy, Was in the primary presentation, became the self proclaimed "Queen of Evie".
Review of preschool: I love school!
Favourite pass time: dressing up, singing, dancing, wearing lipstick and drinking milk in a sippy cup that is warm.
Future plans: Marry her honey Logan, change her first name to Rosabelle, Clarabelle, Jewel or Dinah(short for Diamond), die her hair blond, star in her own television show entitled " The Ballerina Princess", convince Mom to let her wear ruby red lipstick to school.

Eve: age 18 months
Accomplishments: learned to crawl, walk, run and dance. Learned to sleep through the night then decided sleeping through the night was for sissies, learned to hold a crayon, color and "decorate" walls. Learned to climb the stairs, climb on the couch and (recently)on the kitchen table. Learned how to throw balls, shoes, food (so much food). Learned to say Mama, Dada, no and ow. Learned the actions for popcorn popping. Learned to point to her head, tummy, noes and toes. Learned to wear high heel shoes. Learned to trick-or-treat and open presents. Started nursery.
Future Plans: Bend the rest of the household to her will. Take up the piano. Talk (we hope)

That was how 2008 was for us. A landmark year. 2009 is sure to be another great one. Thanks to all the friends and family that made 2008 great. All the best to everyone in 2009!


Allison said...

Gilly -- what darling girls -- you do have a sweet life indeed! I love hearing your voice through your blog and I'm glad now I have a good way to stalk/keep in touch with you! xo!

Gilly said...

Allison - your 2008 stats is one of the blogs that inspired me! You can probably tell...

Jenny said...

Wow what a great post. I really enjoyed reading about everyone! What a great family you have Gill!!

Sheers said...

What a cute post! I loved reading all you guys accomplished. Way to go!

Megan said...

Awesome! I love your year in review, now I want to do one! :) And of course, what a great family you have, it sounds like such a productive year for you all!