Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Back to colour

It's a great day. Alice - who has been sick since last Thursday with a sore throat and a fever is finally feeling better. Her 14 hours a day movie marathon has ended. She is up off the couch and having fun and will return to school tomorrow.

She got back in to life with colour today. She used the arts and craft workstation she got from my parents for Christmas. It is so great and so sturdy. We all love it. This is what she created today while I was watching the inauguration. I love the colours.

I thought I would show case some of Jackie's artwork. This is a picture she did a while ago. It shows her trademark hairstyle, and also her great preschool printing. The picture is of her, the heart above represents her thoughts and the person in her heart shaped thought is me because she loves me ( No wonder this is one of my favourites!)

Eve likes to paint and colour too, especially with markers, but I thought I would show some instillation art she did last week with the Strawberry Quick she found on the table. ( I am not used to her ability to climb). She is a mess making ninja. She was able to make this whole sticky mess very quietly and very quickly while I was making Andrew's birthday Lasagna only a few feet away. I had to throw her sticky clothes in the bathtub because I didn't have time to clean them before Andrew's birthday dinner. We are glad our guest didn't look behind the curtain. If they did, at least they didn't mention it.

On the up side, I was glad it was the Strawberry Quik, because it really tastes dicusting and no one really likes it. Also, it kind of looks like blood, which it kind of interesting - like she is a baby vampire. Chocolate Quik, on the other hand - tastes great and would have been a wast and would have looked like mud, or poo. - which has been done way to many times. She is way to hip for that.


mere said...

beautiful Alice!

Jenny said...

Beautiful art work!! That easel is great! Great job Eve making a mess with the strawberry Quik.

Megan said...

I love the colours in all your children's artwork! And yes, that strawberry quick is quite something, very baby vampirish!