Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Gingerbread house

We made our first "from scratch" gingerbread house this year. Andrew designed it. I baked it. Jackie and I built it. Alice took the lead in decorating it. Eve scavenged from it as much as she could.

Alice has two philosophies when it comes to gingerbread houses:
1. Bigger is better. When she came home from school and saw the house built she screamed "this is the biggest gingerbread house I have every seen!"
2. You can never have too much candy. She started making only colour patterns with the candy but then decided she liked random, unexpected colour combinations better - which made decorating with Jackie more harmonious. There are some patterns though - that way we can say the whole exercise built math skills.
Jackie was excited to decorate the house but her main focus was on eating the candy. I believe in this picture she is eating smarties.

Jackie -eating again. We decorated this after school yesterday. No wonder Jackie wasn't really hungry for supper! This morning, she asked for the gingerbread house for breakfast.

Eve scavenged so much, she eventually had to be confined to her chair with blueberry applesauce to distract her. Eve likes to take one little bite of a candy, then throw it on the floor and take another one. Not to worry, I am pretty sure none of those half eaten candies made it on the house - they all ended up stuck to my socks. I like this picture, because if you look closely, you can see the icing on the end of her nose.


Dawn said...

My kids were often found LICKING the gingerbread house when they couldn't get the candy off. :0)

Gotta love Christmas (also known as sugar season!)

Megan said...

Nice work! We made a gingerbread house this week too and the kids loved it! (Ours was from a box, not quite as cool!) I was busting up and at image of candy on your socks! Gavin decided to poor red and green sprinkles all over our floor and that's what I had stuck to my foot. Fun.

Jenny said...

That is awesome!! Good job - it looks so good!! I laughed when I read that you had to confine Eve!! I could totally picture that.