Jackie (very sadly): I was playing the computer, and I made a mistake on the game, and the computer said, " try again little buddy" ( Starts to cry a little) The computer talked to me like I was a BOY!!!
Jackie enjoys being a girl. She loves dress up, make-up, dancing and anything princess. She hops and skips when she is excited - like on the way into the pool for her swimming lessons. She almost always wears skirts or dresses. There has only been one time in the past year when she voluntarily wore pants. On cold days in the winter, she wore pants underneath her skirt. One day she wouldn't get dressed so her Dad dressed her in pants. She cried all morning and her babysitter was so worried about her, until Jackie was finally able to say, "I just don't want to be wearing pants!". She borrowed a skirt and felt better.
For Jackie, everything has a gender and she only likes the girl things. She drives her dad crazy with her preference for what fork she uses. ( forks are boys, except for the ones with pretty designs on them). We really enjoy having a princess around and are interested to see what she decides to be like, now that her older sister is growing out of the princess stage - we hope we don't lose our little princess too soon.
That's so funny because for me forks were always girls...knifes and spoons were boys.
knives are clearly boys. all aggressive and phallic. as were forks, for roughly the same reason, only times four. think about that next time you eat steak. Spoons, although still male, were the only "good" utensil. that's how I broke the world down, not by gender lines, but along moral ones. Everything was either "good" or "bad." and i don't mean that in a qualitative way, i mean that in a spiritual, ethical way. Nintendo was the Hero, Sega was the Villain. Duracel was righteous, Energizer was sinful. same went for numbers. Odd numbers were wicked, sharp, and a aggressive, except for one who was kind of the patriarch of them all. But, like 5? what a jerk. and 9 was even worse.
Get jackie started on that, because i don't think she has enough tics yet.
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